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Woman Faces Dwi Charges After Incident At Fast Food Establishment Rick Davis Associates

Blogs from February, 2018




Feb. 22, 2018

Drivers in Texas who are confronted with allegations that they were driving under the influence might be under the impression that these arrests take place only after a traffic stop on the road or after an accident. In truth, people who are behind the wheel anywhere and are deemed to be under the influence can face DWI charges. Regardless of the circumstances in which the drunk driving charges came about, everyone who is arrested for DWI must make certain that they take the necessary steps to plan for their legal defense.

A 21-year-old woman was arrested recently after she was allegedly under the influence behind the wheel at a fast food restaurant. The incident happened at around 1:41 a.m. An employee contacted law enforcement because the woman was slurring her words when she placed her order. The woman is also accused of almost hitting an employee with her vehicle several times and going the wrong way in the line. She then drove over a curb in the parking lot. She subsequently drove off, but law enforcement caught her. Officers state that she smelled of alcohol and there was a stamp on her hand to signify that she had been in an establishment that serves alcohol and the stamp was necessary to denote that she was of legal age to drink. After being given a field sobriety test, she was arrested.

Being arrested for drunk driving can result in harsh penalties, including a driver’s license suspension, fines and even jail time. It can also lead to other problems, such as higher insurance, civil penalties, the inability to get certain jobs and more. While these charges can be intimidating, simply being arrested does not automatically imply guilt. It is possible that there is a rational explanation for the person seeming to be under the influence. Law enforcement might not have adhered to the proper protocol when investigating and making the arrest. Or the person might be innocent. Having legal assistance is crucial from the time of the arrest all the way through to the conclusion of the case.

Source:, “Woman arrested for DWI at College Station Whataburger,” Noelle Bellow, Feb. 16, 2018

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